

Colombia is a country widely recognised for hosting one of the oldest civil conflicts in the world, a conflict that has caused enormous consequences to its political, social and natural structures. Since 1948, countless people have lost their lives or disappeared, and millions have been displaced by force from regional areas to urban centres. Bogota, as the biggest urban centre in in the country, receives most of them. Healing wounds plays tribute to those victims, and recognises their presence and voices. The design proposal reflects on the importance of natural and cultural values as catalysts of healing and change in public spaces, thus promoting environmental justice and more equitable open spaces in densely populated urban areas.

Colombia históricamente ha sido reconocida por vivir uno de los más antiguos conflictos civiles en todo el mundo, un conflicto que ha producido enormes consecuencias a sus estructuras políticas, sociales y naturales. Desde 1948, incontables personas han perdido sus vidas, han sido desaparecidas o han sido desplazadas por violencia desde áreas rurales hacia los centros urbanos. Bogotá, como la capital y centro urbano más importante recibe la mayoría de ellos.

Sanando heridas, hace homenaje a esas víctimas, reconoce su presencia y sus voces, la propuesta de diseño pretende reaccionar acerca de la importancia de los valores naturales y los culturales como impulsadores de cambio y resiliencia en espacios públicos, promoviendo al mismo tiempo justicia ambiental y equidad en espacios abiertos especialmente en ciudades densamente pobladas.

Jose Gutierrez Hincapie

This project uses the recently announced Green corridor Carrera 7, presented by the Bogota city mayor’s office in July 2020 as a background. Its first 7.5 Km are proposed to be used as a pedestrian dedicated boulevard in which 3 memorial concepts are to be utilised: 

Reflection: about our actions and violence and how it impacts our environment and our people. 

Connection: Change and resilience comes from be equal and participate in the construction of our environment.

Inspire: Land and natural values are key in our recovery and our health.

Carrera 7 Green Corridor

This project uses the recently announced Green corridor Carrera 7, presented by the Bogota city mayor’s office in July 2020 as a background. Its first 7.5 Km are proposed to be used as a pedestrian dedicated boulevard in which 3 memorial concepts are to be utilised:

Reflection: on our actions and violence and how it impacts our environment and people.
Connection: Change and resilience comes from equal participation in the construction of our environment.
Inspire: Land and natural values are key in our recovery and our health.

Este Proyecto usa como excusa la recién anunciada propuesta de la Alcaldía mayor de Bogotá Corredor verde séptima y establece los primeros 7,5 Kilómetros como un boulevard dedicado únicamente a circulación peatonal en el cual 3 conceptos son atados:

Reflexión: acerca de nuestras acciones y como estas impactan nuestro entorno
Conexión: Cambio y resiliencia vienen de la idea de equidad, todos hacemos parte de la construcción de nuestro entorno Con la tierra y con nosotros mismos.
Inspiración: La tierra y el paisaje son claves en nuestro proceso de sanación y en nuestra salud.
Memorial to women victims of the conflict recognises the presence and voices of countless women victims of the conflict

Reflect: Memorial to women victims of the conflict

Memorial to female victims of the conflict recognises the presence and voices of countless women.

Memorial a las mujeres víctimas del conflicto reconoce la presencia y voces de cientos de mujeres invisibles en la guerra.
Woven sculptures are provided to allow pedestrians to use them as an art channel to transmit their struggles and dreams

Connect: Woven machine

Woven sculptures are provided to allow pedestrians to use them as an art channel to transmit their struggles and dreams.

El telar invita a que todos contemos a través del arte nuestras aspiraciones y sufrimientos.
The city as the child of the mountains, recognise the impact it causes in our health and our lives

Inspire: Portal to the mountains

The city, as the child of the mountains, recognise the impact it has our health and our lives.

Portal hacia los cerros: la ciudad es la hija de los cerros, la ciudad entonces reconoce su relevancia y su impacto en nuestra salud y en nuestras vidas.
The traditional Japanese craft technique known as Kintsugui has been used for centuries in Buddhist practice as a metaphor of acceptance and repair after a disturbance, in this project the concept is used as metaphor to recognise the beauty of the present time and place, and understand the natural deterioration of things through time


The traditional Japanese craft technique known as Kintsugui has been used for centuries in Buddhist practice as a metaphor of acceptance and repair after a disturbance. In this project, the concept is used as a metaphor to recognise the beauty of the present time and place, and understand the natural deterioration of things through time.

La técnica tradicional japonesa de Kintsugui ha sido usada por siglos en prácticas budistas como metáfora de aceptación y reparación después de una alteración, en este proyecto la metáfora reconoce la belleza del tiempo y del lugar y entiende el deterioro natural que nuestras acciones causan a través del tiempo.


“HEALING WOUNDS” is about re-weaving a fractured society through the golden stitches of cultural values, and connection to land. It is about public spaces for acceptance and healing. Inspiring conversation and the idea not of repair, but building from experiences to create a stronger and more resilient community.

“SANANDO HERIDAS” se trata de tejer nuevamente una sociedad fracturada a través de los hilos dorados de nuestra riqueza cultural y la conexión con la tierra. Se trata de espacios públicos para aceptarse y sanar, inspirando conversaciones acerca de no reparar lo dañando sino construir desde nuestras experiencias y aprendizaje una comunidad más fuerte y resiliente.

"HEALING WOUNDS” is about re-weaving (constructing) a fractured society through the golden stitches of cultural values, and connection to land, is about public spaces for acceptance and healing. inspiring conversation, and the idea, of not to repair but to build from experiences a stronger and more resilient community

Jose Gutierrez Hincapie

Born in Colombia, with a background in Architecture, Jose decided to travel overseas and challenge himself to explore and to know other cultures, what he found was a home and a passion. He discovered in Landscape Architecture the opportunity to re-imagine and create positive changes in communities through the idea of adaptive and resilient public spaces for everyone.